mask required, vaccination required
Sliding scale price $8-$25 - pay at the door
SAVE THE DATE - nuance returns for 2025
Keep an eye out for details about our new year.
nuance Season Finale
nuance’s season finale - this time in november.
We are switching up our normal schedule and hoping to the very beginning of the month for a full halloweekend of dance. Thursday Oct 31 is WTF, Saturday Nov 2 is Revival, and right in between is us!
nuance September
Fall is here and the cozy season is upon us. September nuance Lesson and DJs to come.
nuance August
nuance’s Birthday! August is our anniversary month. As a present to us and you, we will dance! Lesson will be taught by The Bay’s Pomona Lake!
nuance July-True
It’s our (true) July nuance! - Lesson on Stillness and Suspension, taught by Justin Johnson (catch him while he’s still west).
nuance Jun-ly
nuance Jun-ly! our June event is coming just a smidge late so we can all go to a certain camping event guilt free. We’re picking up the week after on July 5th.